Many albinos live in the northwest of Tanzania. These people, especially the children, are in great danger. This is because there is a kind of superstition in this region, in which special powers are attributed to the limbs (and organs) of albinos. The life of these people is very anxious and sad. That is why this project deserves extra attention.
- In recent years, MOV-Herveld has supported 15 albino families and several schools where albino children attend.
- We have secured the homes of these families so that they are safe on their own property.
- We have also purchased sunscreen and other prevention materials for all albinos. It sounds strange to us, but they often don’t have this available.
- The schools have also received support. We donated teaching materials and a water tank to them. We would like to further increase the security of the schools.
All projects of the MOV are very necessary, but the care for the albinos does have our extra attention.