
Over the years we have built four hostels (Katoke, Kituntu, Kaisho and in Rulenge). These hostels are specially built to ensure that the girls can go to school safely.

Secondary education schools are mostly located in the city. Many students live too far away to be able to walk there every day. They are therefore looking for an address in the city where they can stay. In addition to school, they help with the household and thus earn their board and lodging. It is not uncommon for these girls to be (sexually) abused. Even if the girls do live within walking distance of the school, the route is not always safe and they run the risk of being assaulted. Or worse.

You will understand that this is a reason for the parents of these girls to keep their daughter(s) at home. We built these hostels to get more girls to be able to go to school. (Approx. 100 sleeping places per hostel with study options and a matron who supervises). Our hostels allow them to stay close to school. With the hostels we ensure that they can use their opportunity. That is important for them and for the country.