Fr. Herman Kalimwenjuma

My name is Herman D.M. Kalimwenjuma. The Diocesan Priest and Procurement Officer in the Republic of Tanzania. In July,1989 to Desember,1990. I was staying at Biharamulo Parish with Fransiscan Sisters of Chaity and Hope, doing Pastoral work. The Sisters were from Netherlands. Through their Pastoral work, they strengthened my ideas about supporting needy people in our community.
In January, 1991 to November 1993, I studied Materials Management. In September 1993 to February 2000, I was in Bishops’ Office doing Procurement activities. On the 15th. February 2000, I was appointed to be a Parish Priest at Katoke Parish. Sr. Clarice one of the Fransiscan Sisters, asked me to support their Community in preparing Projects. Sr. Clarice was Coordinating Projects from FOTAS and MOV Herveld. Our first project through Sr. Clarice was about desks and chairs for Katoke Kindergarten. In April 2001, I went to visit the Missionaries of Africa in Tilburg Netherlands. Sr. Clarice informed the family of André Hoogveld that I was Netherlands. The family of André Hoogveld invited me to visit them at Herveld. At my surprise, André Hoogveld took me into his office and showed me the Project of Katoke Kindergarten. Officially, from that time I knew FOTAS and MOV Herveld activities.
Through the family of André Hoogveld we started preparing more projects to support needy people in Tanzania. Later André Hoogveld introduced me to FOTAS Secretariate and MOV members. We appreciate for all efforts made by Members of FOTAS and MOV Foundation to support development Projects in Tanzania.
At the moment I am the Treasurer of Umoja Group in Tanzania. We keep in our hearts and minds, our Brothers and Sisters who went to receive their merited reward in Heaven. Let us keep our Spirit of togetherness in our daily services.We wish you all the best.