André Hoogveld

My name is André Hoogveld, born in 1954, retired, in my “previous” life I have been the director of primary school St. Willibrordus in Herveld (with great pleasure). In addition, I am married, I have two daughters and I am now the grandfather of 5 wonderful grandchildren.
I am active for various projects in Tanzania. Because I have been able to visit this beautiful country several times and because I have been able to meet many wonderful people there, I am touched! Touched by the living situation of people in Tanzania, touched by the beautiful country, but most touched by the big difference between the living conditions of people here and in Tanzania.
That is why I have been a member of the MOV Herveld since 1977 (of which I have been chairman for a long time), and since 1989 I have also been committed to the Fotas Foundation.
I like doing this work because I believe in it, because I believe that “you shouldn’t do nothing because you can’t do everything”. Because I am convinced that we must and can improve the world, but that we should not start with ourselves.