Karen Bartels

My name is Karen Bartels, I have been secretary of MOV Herveld since 2003. I also grew up with the MOV, my mother has been a member of the MOV for a long time since 1977 and as a child I have always fanatically run the sponsor run.
In 2010 I went to Tanzania where we visited various MOV projects, a sewing workshop, girls’ hostels, schools, water tanks, hospitals. A special and impressive journey with a smile and a tear…
I am extremely proud of what the MOV has achieved in the past 40 years in collaboration with the priests in Tanzania. What would the MOV be without the help of all the children who run the sponsored run year after year or all the associations, schools, companies, foundations and individuals who support us financially. How wonderful it would be if the MOV could once again count on your faithful help!
Because the MOV continues to work on various fronts for our fellow human beings in poor Tanzania…