Fr. Jovin Bampabula Anaclet
In April 1991 I was transfered to Biharamulo as the Parish Priest. I worked closely with the Franciscan Sisters from the Netherlands. In 1992 through Sr. Helmine Tilleman I got a support from MOV/FOTAS to construct a classroom, a teacher’s office and a dining room for the kindergarten school. Up to now the school serves hundreds of kids from the area. In 1995 I had a chance to visit Herveld and as I came out of the train at Nijmegen, I was received by Pastoor Joop van de Borgh together with Andre Hoogveld and Lieze. I was very much pleased to meet Andre, then I could know more about MOV/FOTAS. In 1996 Andre visited Tanzania; this strengthened the efforts to support our needy people. I remain grateful to all MOV/FOTAS members for such a ministry you have taken. I am proud that you have shaped even our apostolate. May the Lord bless us all.