Fr. Jeremiah Kiiza

I am Fr. Jeremiah Kiiza and I was ordained a priest on July 16th, 1995. Soon after my ordination to holy priesthood, I was appointed to teach in the diocesan junior seminary, Katoke. In 1996, Andre visited Biharamulo Parish and since I was working in Katoke seminary, I was privileged to meet Andre and Pastoor Joop Van de Borgh. From there on, I stayed connected with Andre. In the year 2010, I visited the Netherlands and the family of Andre hosted me. It was during my stay with Andre that I had a chance of knowing more about the nature and functions of MOV/FOTAS.
I since then became the secretary of the Tanzanian side and I am really grateful to the members of MOV/FOTAS from the Netherlands following the tremendous job they are doing to benefit the marginalized sons and daughters from Tanzania. Long live MOV/FOTAS.