Bart Peperkamp

My name is Bart Peperkamp, born in 1989, living in Herveld and working as an accountant at PricewaterhouseCoopers in my daily life. Through my primary school period at the St. Willibrordus School, I came into contact with the MOV and its projects in Tanzania at an early age. I cherish the fascinating stories of master André and the annual sponsored walks.
In 2008 I was privileged to participate in the first youth trip to Tanzania. I have seen with my own eyes the great work that the MOV does there and how much needed this help is. An indescribably beautiful and impressive journey that I can still remember as if it were yesterday. The most impressive journey of my life.
I have been part of the MOV since January 2019. I hope to be able to contribute to the projects of the MOV and to improve the living environment of the people there. With my own eyes I have been able to admire that with every “bit” of help from the Netherlands, beautiful projects can be realized that directly help the people in Tanzania. Don’t do nothing because you can’t do everything!