Kibombo Health Centre

As stated on our homepage, all our projects are demand driven. This means that our contacts in Tanzania indicate what is really needed in that place in that year, at that time. In this project we have even expanded this starting point and we have conducted a survey among the various stakeholders from this area. We asked 150 people where the greatest need was in this area. The outcome was health care.

The greatest wish was attention for health care and especially mother-child care.

Almost 10 years ago, MOV Herveld started fundraising for this (for a small MOV) huge project, a HEALTH CENTER. Now 10 years later there is a real building, a beautiful Health Centre. A health center where:

  • A first aid clinic is present. The hospital is open to everyone. Only “very seriously ill people” will still have to be referred from there.
  • There is a consultation office for babies and toddlers.
  • There are 20 beds, 12 of which are for pregnant women.
  • There is a small operating theater and several examination rooms.
  • There is a working electricity supply and “running” water.

During construction, we did make the structural adjustments to be able to install an X-ray machine “later”.

Our thoughts now turn to the continuation of this huge project. For example, there are thoughts to also realize houses near this hospital, houses where employees could live. (Staff houses) Maybe we can use the rental income again to let children study (Fotas).

We would also like to install an X-ray machine in this Health Centre. This is because no X-ray machine can be found within a radius of 150 km.